Zenith Blog


Three Ways to Identify a Trustworthy Recruiter

By Chris Yee | Hiring Manager Tips | Oct 21

It’s harsh to say it, but there are no standards to become a recruiter.  The qualifying process is attrition. 

Imagine that you have an urgent and critical vacancy.  This person could make or break this year’s bonus and maybe your career!  You speak with a recruiter with whom you’ve never spoken before You haven’t met this person and for all you know, he could work from his kitchen table, but has a friend who builds websites.

How do you know if you can trust that recruiter?  You can learn a lot by their approach to this conversation.

  1. Trust the recruiter who asks questions about you, your team and the challenges you are facing rather than asking for a list of qualifications. They should challenge the search parameters and contribute fresh ideas based on market insight.
  1. Trust a recruiter who asks for the tools they need to motivate top performers.  If they only ask about the pay and benefits, then hang up the phone!  They should learn what’s exciting about your company, the position and about you as a mentor – these are the things that motivate top performers.
  1. Trust the recruiter who articulates a comprehensive plan to identify, attract and deliver that top performers.  Don’t settle for, “I’ll call you when I find them”!

Don’t forget, while you will ultimately judge the recruiter by the results of the search – you really can’t wait to see those – by then it will be too late!

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