My Dad Taught Me that November 11th is Not Just Another Day
By Chris Yee | Uncategorized | Nov 11
In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower established November 11 each year as a day to honor American veterans. It’s not just another day to me.
My father served in the US Army and fought in the South Pacific during World War II. Specifically, he served on the Solomon Islands, where the fighting was very fierce. He lost about 75% of his hearing during the war.
I was born in the 1960’s but was constantly reminded of his sacrifice every time I saw his hearing aids. Dad didn’t talk much about the war (his generation wasn’t called “The Silent Generation” for nothing!) but I know it deeply, deeply affected him.
Although this is a very personal story, my dad’s story is really not that unique.
We don’t need to look far to be reminded of the sacrifices service members have made for our country. The Veterans Cemetery in Houston (where my mom and dad are buried) sits on over 400 acres and has over 110,000 graves. And there are 77 other National Cemeteries in the US.
Nope…..November 11 is not just another day.
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